Syfa & Ganjar

7 Benefits of Putting Towels Under Hotel Doors

Written by Ganjar

When we stay in a hotel, comfort and safety are important aspects to consider. One simple yet effective way to improve both is by placing a towel under the hotel room door.

Sound strange? Most of us rarely do it, even though this action has many benefits during our stay. Here, I'll review some of the benefits of putting a towel under the hotel room door.

1. Reduces Noise

Hotel environments are often busy, which can disturb our sleep. Sounds of footsteps, chatter, or doors opening and closing can easily be heard through the gap under the door.

Placing a towel there can help muffle these distracting noises, allowing you to enjoy a quieter and more comfortable atmosphere in your room.

2. Prevents Light from Entering

cahaya dari pintu

Many people prefer to sleep in complete darkness, so they turn off all the lights in the room. Even a small amount of light can make it difficult for some to sleep.

Unfortunately, many hotels have well-lit hallways, and light can enter the room through the gap under the door. This can be very annoying, especially if the gap is large.

By placing a towel there, you can block the light and make the room pitch black. This way, the room becomes more conducive to sleep, and you can rest peacefully.

3. Increase Security

As I've mentioned in an article on securing hotel doors with towels, some criminals can open hotel doors from the outside by inserting a wire hook under the door to unlock it from the inside.

This is obviously very dangerous. To prevent this, you can tightly close the gap under the door with a towel so that the tool cannot be inserted. Make sure the towel is tucked in tightly so it can't be pushed in from the outside.

4. Reduce Unpleasant Smells

handuk di pintu

Sometimes, guests smoke in the hotel hallway, causing an unpleasant odor. Even if we close the door, the smell can still enter the room through the gap under the door.

By placing a towel in the gap, you can block the odor, keeping the air in the room fresh and comfortable.

5. Maintain Privacy

Putting a towel under the door can also help maintain your privacy. The gap under the door can allow people outside to see into the room, especially if the gap is large and the floor is reflective.

By closing this gap, you can feel safer and more comfortable, protecting yourself from those who might have bad intentions.

6. Avoiding Dust and Insects

The gap under the door can be an entry point for dust and small insects. People passing by can leave behind dust, which gets blown into the room.

Covering these gaps with a towel can help keep out dust and small animals like ants, cockroaches, and lizards. This way, your room stays clean and free from pests.

7. Control Room Temperature

If you stay in a hotel during winter, the air outside is usually very cold. Cold air can sometimes enter through the gap under the door, making the room chilly too.

To prevent this, place towels in the open gaps in your room, including under the door. This helps keep the room warm even if it's freezing outside.

So, those are the 7 benefits of putting a towel under the hotel door. If you don't want to use a towel, you can use a mat that is usually provided in hotel rooms. It looks similar to a towel but is smaller.

If you have any other tips and tricks for staying in a hotel room, please share them with us in the comments section!

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We are a newlywed couple who loves to eat and travel from one place to another. In this blog, we will share our favorite experiences when visiting various tourist attractions and tasting the delights of good food!

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