Syfa & Ganjar

3 Things You Can Do with an Expired EZ-Link

Written by Syfa

The EZ-Link card purchased in Singapore is valid for 5 years from its issuance. This extended period allows us to use it for multiple trips to Singapore.

But what should we do when the card nears its expiration date? Should we throw it away or keep it? There are several options available if your EZ-Link card is about to expire or has already expired. Here they are:

1. Swap for a New Card

EZ Link

If you are currently on vacation in Singapore or planning another trip there soon, you will still need your EZ-Link card. Exchanging it for a new card is the best solution.

You can swap it for a new card at SimplyGo Ticket Offices located at various MRT stations and bus interchanges in Singapore.

Before exchanging, make sure that your old EZ-Link card has a minimum balance of SGD 6. The balance will be reduced by SGD 3 for the administration fee, while the remaining balance will be transferred to the new card.

Additionally, if you have multiple EZ-Link cards nearing expiration or already expired, you can redeem all of them and combine their balances into one new EZ-Link card. I suggest doing this during off-peak hours to avoid long waits.

2. Balance Refund

Passenger Service MRT
Passenger Service Centre

If your EZ-Link card still has a significant balance and you don't plan to use it again, it’s better to get a refund.

You can refund the balance at SimplyGo Ticket Offices and Passenger Service Centers if your card balance is less than SGD 80. If the balance is more than SGD 80, refunds are only available at SimplyGo Ticket Offices.

It's recommended to apply for a refund promptly. If your EZ-Link card has expired for more than 2 years, a service charge of SGD 1 per month will be deducted from the balance when you apply for a refund.

3. Make it a Collection

ez link charm_
Desain EZ-Link Charm

If your EZ-Link card has expired and has no remaining balance, you can add it to your collection. For instance, you can display your EZ-Link and similar cards from other countries in a transparent frame.

EZ-Link often releases limited edition cards with special designs that are quite attractive. If you have some of these cards, it's worth keeping them as they might not be issued again in the future.

The EZ-Link charm version is particularly interesting. Shaped like a keychain, it can still be used as one even if the chip inside has expired.

If you don't want to keep your EZ-Link cards for yourself, they can make great gifts for friends or relatives. The unique design and shape of EZ-Link cards are sure to be appreciated.

So, those are the 3 things you can do with an EZ-Link card that is about to expire or already expired. Do you have any other ideas for the card? If so, share them in the comment section!

We are a newlywed couple who loves to eat and travel from one place to another. In this blog, we will share our favorite experiences when visiting various tourist attractions and tasting the delights of good food!

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We are a newlywed couple who loves to eat and travel from one place to another. In this blog, we will share our favorite experiences when visiting various tourist attractions and tasting the delights of good food!

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