Syfa & Ganjar

5 Dos and Don'ts for Writing on Luggage Tags

Written by Ganjar

A luggage tag is a label attached to suitcases or bags when you travel. They come in various materials, from affordable plastic to premium leather.

The main purpose of a luggage tag is to help identify your bags easily at airports or in other busy places. With a tag, your luggage won't be mistaken for someone else's, especially if they look similar.

These tags are also crucial if your luggage gets lost. Someone who finds your bag can quickly contact you using the information on the tag.

It's important to put the right information on your luggage tag. Incorrect details could mean not getting your luggage back if it goes missing.

What to Include on Your Luggage Tag

luggage tag

Wondering what to write on your luggage tag? Usually, there's limited space, so you need to be brief and clear. Some tags have labeled sections like name, phone number, and email, but you can choose what’s most important to include. Here are three key details:

1. Full Name

Your full name is essential. Write it as it appears on your passport or ID, so it's easy for someone to verify it belongs to you.

2. Mobile Phone Number

info luggage tag

It's important to include your mobile phone number on the luggage tag. This makes it easy for anyone who finds your luggage to contact you quickly, either by phone or a WhatsApp message.

Remember to add the country code before your number. This way, you can be reached even from another country. Here are some examples of country codes:

  • United States: +1
  • United Kingdom: +44
  • India: +91
  • Singapore: +65
  • Philippines: +63
  • Indonesia: +62

3. Email Address

Lastly, your email address is a helpful contact detail. Use an email that you check regularly, so you're sure to see any messages about your luggage right away.

Information to Avoid on Luggage Tags

While there are important details to include on luggage tags, some information should be left off for privacy and safety reasons. If the wrong people get hold of this information, it could lead to problems.

Here’s what you shouldn’t put on your luggage tag:

1. Home Address

alamat luggage tag

It’s common to put a home address on luggage tags, thinking it will help if the luggage gets lost. However, this can be risky. Thieves might use your address for crimes like burglary. To stay safe, it's better not to include your home address.

Instead, you could use the address of the hotel you’re staying at. If someone finds your luggage, they can return it to the hotel.

2. Home Phone Number

Your home phone number can also pose a risk. Criminals can figure out your address from the area code of a home phone. So, it’s safer to just list your mobile phone number. This way, you can be contacted easily without exposing your home details.

That's the rundown on what to write (and not write) on your luggage tag. Make sure your information is clear and readable. You could even print it for neatness.

Ensure the tag’s paper is secure and won’t fall off easily. And if you've got a luggage tag with a plain strap that needs attaching, check out our next article for instructions on how to do it:

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We are a newlywed couple who loves to eat and travel from one place to another. In this blog, we will share our favorite experiences when visiting various tourist attractions and tasting the delights of good food!

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